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Monday, April 11, 2011

Special Assignment- Mr. McClung's World

special assignment

Mr. McClung uses his blog to introduce who he is to his students and also encourages his students to use the internet and blog site for success in the class. Joe is an example of a good teacher because he does things that are not required of teachers, he has a grasp on what good teaching is, which in turn causes his students to be motivated and successful. As an Educator, McClung is full of bright new ideas and motivated about continuing his education. He brings life to his teaching style and involves himself with his students outside of school by coaching track. This is a big responsibility.
Mr. McClung’s classroom rules are unique and are design to instruct students in a simple and realistic way for his classroom setting. He wants more than other teachers does, he actually want his students to involve themselves during class by participate in discussions using hand gestures, and positive attitude is what he welcomes. His goal is to help students achieve the best they can and to further their knowledge of whatever they need so that they will have the necessary tools to become successful. He is a great teacher and one way to describe him is a person who expects and demand but does it in a way so that you wont’ feel to pressure and provides the tools you need.
Being a day planner, this is one of the most important tools that is needed to stay on task. I would say that at the age group he teaches, he informs the students of just how important it is to keep track of homework and upcoming events, etc. This practice is a great reinforcement to help the students be wise about their time management.
Whenever he puts a time limit, a due date, on an assignment or project, he reinforces the practice of using your time wisely and completing the work on time. By doing this, he help his students in more than one way. He help them prepared more high school because when they continue their education, their workload will increase and the work might even be harder. So, by reinforcing the time management technique then it will help his students out later in their education career.
He says that he hopes his blog will encourage use of technology and that he loves to use technology for many of his hobbies and even has a music page. By incorporating classroom task on the blog requires all his students to at least view this once a week, and by messing around with the page, the students will more than likely be able to find things to entertain themselves outside of what is required by the class and thus familiarized themselves with the safe usage of the internet.
I was looking through all the links that I saw and I found more than one interesting links but the one I looked at was and I clicked on it. Once I got to the page, I saw that you can draw out story tales or activities or anything that make uses of cartoons and I thought that this would be a great opportunity to use it on children. Thus I book marked it for later usage. I felt by looking around these websites that was on McClungs blog links that he might have used these techniques and ideas on his own class. He shares these sites with the class so I think that these sites had a positive effect on him.
I was not able to find the internet safety link. I thought that this would have been a great link to help teach students about the dangers that are hidden online. Aside from the fact that if the internet is not used safely then many bad things could happen, there are many websites that are not appropriate for all age range.
I realized that many students not only learn from him in the classroom but also from him on the track field as well. By reading this post I also learned that his track team was very successful and that the team has a lot of good athletes. He apparently finds great pleasure in being a teacher so he continues to broaden his teaching onto the sport of track.
I like that McClung’s Blog has a counter, and more than one pages. I feel that the more I watch tutorial and fiddle around with the blog then my blog will grow more creative and bigger in page size. I love the fact that he is able to properly maintain his blog and use all the applications. It makes for a good place to visit, for his blog will not be your only stop!
The information that he personally put on his blog allows the readers to feel like they know everything about him and that they are very close. He opens the viewer’s eyes to things that occur in the classroom and around the world. He shares his findings of neat sites and useful ways of communicating information over the internet.
His students enjoy the blog he created because he updates what is going on in the class online. The major projects are published to the blog for everyone to see and post comments on them. I have seen similar blogs to this but none of them have been this elaborative or simple, McClung is on his blog constantly and he updates new item of display. His blog is great and I feel that everyone can benefit from it.
this is a special assignment

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